Economics & Competition

PRAD Avocats intervenes regularly with its clients, both as legal advisors and as litigation lawyers, in matters of competition law and of economic law.

As legal advisors, we bring our expertise in putting in place or re-working your distribution contracts and more generally all of your contracts with your economic partners or end consumers.

As litigation lawyers, we assist you in procedures and proceedings with customs authorities, the competition authorities (Autorité de la Concurrence), or the consumer and fraud authorities (DGCCRF). In addition to our M&A activity, we notify merger operations in France, at European level, and, where applicable, at international level.

Nos domaines d'intervention

Distribution Law / Economic Law

  • Distribution Contracts (exclusive, selective, and franchise distribution contracts)
  • General Purchasing Terms & Conditions and General Sales Terms & Conditions
  • Restrictive competition practices and consumer law (unlawful termination of commercial relations, tying sales, misleading advertising, etc.)
  • Customs Law

Competition Law

  • Merger Law
  • Procedures and proceedings for cartels and abuse of a dominant position before competition authorities, and national and European jurisdictions
  • Litigation in matters of liability for anti-competitive practices
  • Assistance during competition investigations
  • Compliance Programmes
  • State Aid

Nos avocats spécialisés

P Photo de présentation de Paul Azevedo, avocat associé fondateur du cabinet PRAD avocats.

Paul Azevedo

Founding Partner

A Photo de présentation de André Ehrmann, avocat associé fondateur du cabinet PRAD avocats.

André Ehrmann

Founding Partner


Danhoe Reddy-Girard


V Photo de présentation de Valentine Perrin, avocate collaboratrice du cabinet PRAD avocats.

Valentine Perrin
